Regrettably all this harsh beauty had to be destroyed
A holding tank for 1,585 gallons
Partially filled by the way
A destroyed restroom
Has been resisting for long, but 40 tons of bricks and concrete finally won
Blast doors
Some of them had to be dismantled
Vent pipes
Dismantled also. Will be replaced by the cables
Workers dismantle the excessive foundation
They really tried to dismantle the support foundation, but failed
Redecoration of the future data center
We decided to leave the walls jagged and concrete, to keep the spirit
Having argument who has the more even strokes
Future battery room
Aslo known as gas masks leftovers store room
Man with a drill
Actually had drilled some holes... for wiring
Redecoration is almost over
Redecoration is impossible to finish, but you can always just stop
A Day-Dream Caused By The Flight Of A Bumblebee Around An Onion Bulb A Second Before Falling Asleep.